Domain Cookies and the Reverse Proxy

This is a bit of an ancient feature, but one I hadn't touched for a while. I wanted a domain cookie in my deployment, I had a Virtual Host and a standard host. (A virtual Host). And I was struggling to get the login process (via AAC and the identifier first authentication) on the... Continue Reading →

Customize the Enroll TOTP QR Code

Sometimes you might want to put your own enrollment process into an authentication service flow. This might be for Just in time enrollment, or some other reason. I quickly prototyped this out using an infomap, and just want to put it here for reference later. In short, it uses the easy native functions to detect... Continue Reading →

IBM Security Verify Access – Better defaults

IBM Security Verify Access (ISVA) (formerly IBM Security Access Manager - ISAM) has been around for a fair while, and has made a series of assumptions over it's time, starting fresh, you might not make those assumptions if you were deploying ISVA today. Upgrades for existing customers rarely bring onboard these changes to avoid backwards... Continue Reading →

IBM Security Mobile Access SDK

Coinciding with the ISAM 9.0.2 release, we released version 1.2 of the IBM Mobile Security SDK for Android and iOS. ISAM SDK offers a platform library to: Authenticate users against ISAM with OAuth Works with OAuth for ISAM onwards. Strong authentication Support Generate Soft Token One Time Passwords Time based OTP and Counter based... Continue Reading →

ISAM HTTP XSL Transformation Rule to Modify request Parameters

I had to write an XSL Stylesheet to modify a request parameter - I had to modify a request parameter in a TFIM SAML request from RelayState to Target, here is what I used changing request text from "something" to "another": <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="" version="1.0"> <!-- This is a template stylesheet which should... Continue Reading →

Set an authentication level for an Authentication Service Mechanism

Have been trying to setup an authentication service Mechanism to return a specific Authentication level into WebSEAL, and initially had some trouble, here is what you need to do:   The important part are these lines: if (policyID.equals("urn:ibm:security:authentication:asf:hotp")) { stsuuAttrs.setAttribute(new Attribute("AUTHENTICATION_LEVEL", null, "5")); } Where you specify the policyID, and nominate the appropriate Authentication Level.... Continue Reading →

ISAM Selective use of Local Response Redirect

In ISAM using the Local Response Redirect capability has traditionally been overkill when using it for an EAI for a login operation. The reason being, almost any error or management page that is traditionally handled by ISAM now gets redirected to your EAI. Including Login operations, Logout page, Stepup and other authentication related operations. It... Continue Reading →

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